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EL-test som graviditetstest?

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Kort sagt kan en el test som slår ut, vise enten graviditet, eggløsning eller andre forhold. De er mindre sensitive og kan derfor være negative selv om man er gravid, særlig hvis man tester tidlig.


Under er litt info på engelsk, tatt fra et tidligere innlegg på bligravid. Mer utfyllende info fåes på nettstedet vist til under.



OPK's as HPT's:

using an ovulation test to confirm pregnancy




Overall-- yes, it can be done. Ovulation predictor tests (known as OPK's because they are normally sold in a set of tests known as a "kit," thus the K) will show a positive result when a woman is pregnant, as well as when she's ovulating.


Specifically-- while it works most of the time, there are good reasons to avoid using an OPK as an HPT for diagnostic purposes. If you want to pee on any stick that will stand still after you know you're pregnant, just for fun, have at it. But I would not recommend using an OPK in place of an HPT overall.


Reasoning-- OPK's detect LH (luteinizing hormone) which is the hormone associated with ovulation. Pregnancy tests detect hCG, the hormone associated with pregnancy. LH and hCG are, at a molecular level, nearly identical. hCG has a beta subunit, meaning it has an extra little "doodad." To use a stupid but easy to understand example, LH and hCG are identical twins, except that hCG wears a funny hat.



Hentet fra peeOnAStick.com





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