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2store1liten-kanskje en til..

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Fortsetter under...

You have a 21% chance of having a boy.

And you have a 78% chance of having a girl.


And Here's Why...

You are carrying the extra weight around the hips and bottom, so it's a girl.

The hair on your legs is not growing any faster during your preganacy, so it's a girl.

Boys are carried low. You are going to have a boy. (dette er omvendt ift hvordan jeg hadde det sist - høy mage=gutt, lav nå og venter jente)


Sleeping in a bed with your pillow to the south indicates that you will be having a girl.

Your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy. You are having a girl.

You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread. You are having a girl.

Dad-to-be hasn't been gaining weight along with Mom-to-be, so it will be a girl.

The maternal grandmother doesn't have gray hair (dyed or natural), so a girl will be born.

You had morning sickness early in pregnancy, so you are expecting a girl. (he, he - var enda mer kvalm med gutten enn jeg har vært nå...)


You are not looking particularly good during pregnancy. Therefore, it must be a girl, because girls steal their mother's looks.

Your chest development has been quite dramatic during pregnancy. You should expect a girl.

Since the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is even, it will be a boy.

A needle on a thread held over your belly moves in circles, so you will have a boy. (Har hørt omvendt jeg da, og det stemmer også med at jeg har en gutt fra før)


Your urine is a dull yellow color, so you will have a girl.

You are craving sweets, which means that it is a girl.

Your nose hasn't changed during pregnancy, which indicates a girl.

You have been craving fruits, so it is a girl.

Your baby's heart rate is 140 or more beats per minute, so it's a girl. (Hjertelyden til gutten min er ca den samme som denne gangen...)


You have no desire for orange juice, so it's a boy. (Men er veldig glad i appelsiner da...)


You are having headaches, so it's a boy.

Your belly looks like a watermelon, so it's a girl.

You show them the palm of your hand, so it's a girl.

You use the body of the mug, so it's a girl.


I følge ul blir det ei jente:o)





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You have a 39% chance of having a boy.

And you have a 60% chance of having a girl.


Iflg ul får jeg gutt :-))

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Jeg er i uke 26, har termin 18 juli. Er bare innom her ettersom vi ikke kommer oss inn på 2 tri..


Heter forresten det samme som deg, Cathrine;-)


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