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Hvor ofte ha sex?

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Fant dette på www.babycenter.com. Kjenner meg godt igjen her. Har en tendens til å bare ha sex i fruktbar periode og så gidder jeg ikke ellers. Er nok kansje det vi gjør feil???


Question: Can having too much sex affect our chances of getting pregnant?


Answer: No. While many couples believe they have to save the man's ejaculate until the exact moment of ovulation, that's not true. In fact some couples become so obsessed with timing sex during ovulation that they actually hurt their chances of getting pregnant. Stressing over ovulation can wreak havoc on your cycle — not to mention your marriage!


It's a myth to think you should have less sex in order to conceive. All the evidence shows that the more you have sex, the better your chances of getting pregnant. In fact, having sex often ensures that the sperm in a man's ejaculate is as healthy as it can be. Storing it up can decrease its motility, so don't be tempted to put off intercourse until you ovulate, and don't abstain for more than seven days in a row. While it's true that the density of sperm in each ejaculate diminishes with frequent orgasms, all that really matters is that there is some sperm in the woman's fallopian tubes during the time of ovulation.


This is not to say that you should have or need to have sex every day when attempting pregnancy. I would recommend two or three times a week.


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Fortsetter under...

Problemet er bare at dagen før el så slutter vi for da er vi lei....denne timinga er ikke sunn. Snakket med mannen igår og ble enige om at fra nå av skal vi ha sex ett par dager i uka minimum hele syklusen og så tar vi det mere intenst i fruktbar periode. Da håper vi at vi kommer inn i ett bra mønster som er bra både for forholdet og for babyprosjektet :-)

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Ja helt enig med deg rosamor... Kommer tanta nå skal jeg teste ut denne teorien videre, ikke bare i en syklus, men helt til jeg blir gravid og kansje videre. Det er så viktig å ha nærhet og kos sammen og pleie forholdet, ikke bare lage baby liksom...

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