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Vet ikke hva denne behandlingen heter på norsk siden jeg kun har googlet... noen som vet?


Uansett, vi har nå hatt tre IVF-forsøk, ett ferskt og to frosne, uten hell. Jeg er 32 og normalvektig og ellers sunn på alle måter. Spesialisten var sikker på at jeg skulle bli gravid raskt med IVF og var veldig overrasket da jeg ikke ble gravid på første forsøk.


Nå som vi har hatt tre forsøk, har hun sagt at hun ikke vil sette inn flere embryo før de har utredet mer. Vi har ett frossent embryo igjen.


Spesialisten nevnte "failed implantation" som visstnok er vanlig hos kvinner med endo, og jeg har søkt på nettet. Det står bl a dette:


"Implantation dysfunction is a common cause of repeated “unexplained” IVF failure with good embryos. This is especially the case in young ovulating women who have normal ovarian reserve and have fertile partners."


Og dette høres veldig ut som oss.


En vanlig årsak til failed implantation er visstnok "activated uterine natural killer cells (NKa)" og "immunologic implantation dysfunction (IID)", med intralipid-terapi som en mulig behandlingsform for dette. 


Noe som kjenner til dette? Prøvd det med eller uten suksess?

Fortsetter under...

Står en del her: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3778611/


Og her: http://haveababy.com/fertility-information/ivf-authority/understanding-immunologic-implantation-dysfunction_16-2


Og her: http://www.goivf.com/wp-content/themes/zouves/docs/ivig_intralipid.pdf


Sitat fra den siste: 


Evidence from both animal and human studies suggests that Intralipid, administered intravenously, may enhance implantation and maintenance of pregnancy when the patient has had an abnormal NK cell level or function. Intralipid is a 20% intravenous fat emulsion which is usually used as a source of fat and calories for patients requiring parenteral nutrition. Intralipid consists of soybean oil as well as egg yolk phospholipids, glycerine and water.
In vitro investigations have revealed the ability of Intralipid to suppress the natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity. Fifty patients with
abnormal natural killer levels received Intralipid infusions and 78% showed suppression of the natural killer activity to the
normal range one week after infusion, 22% showed suppression but not yet into the normal range in these patients received a second infusion 2 to 3 weeks after the first and all but one of these 11patients have normal natural killer levels the following week. Four patients required a third infusion and after the first week, all showed normal natural killer activity. Forty seven of these 50 patients continue to have normalization of their NK levels for between six and nine weeks, two patients remained normal lives five weeks and in one patient the effect lasted for four weeks.
Conclusion of the study was that Intralipid was effective in suppressing in vivo abnormal NK cell function, suggesting that
Intralipid can be used successfully as a therapeutic option tomodulate abnormal NK activity in women with reproductive

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