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hey girls! har litt ekstra tid i dag, så trekker litt engle kort om noen ønsker, litt usikker på hvilke, så tar det som passer når jeg leser innlegget ditt :) ha en strålende dag ?

Anbefalte innlegg

trenger ikke stille spm, jeg trekker på energien din, så det som kommer kommer :) gi gjerne tilbakemelding også ♥


ps. ingen anonym og huske fødselsdato :)

Fortsetter under...



jeg trekker bare ett englekort på din energi, skal jeg gjøre en reading må jeg gjøre det i egen tråd og det tar litt mer tid, så det har jeg ikke mulighet til i dag. Har husvask på programmet, så titter bare inn her i pausene mine og trekker englekort :)


håper dette kortet gir deg noe :


Go for it!


Your prayers and positive expectations have been heard and answered. We've been working with you on this situation since its genesis, and we continue to watch over you and everyone involved. Stay on your present path, as it will take you very far indeed.


The angels foresee a successful outcome!


kortet kommer fra Doreen Virtues stokk som heter Daily Guidance from your Angels oracle cards.


Ha en strålende dag!


Hei , er det deg Lilja???


Ville egentlig bare si hei jeg:):) Håper du har det bra.

Hos meg er det intet nytt,...... :( Men håpet har jeg fortsatt innerst inne et sted<3


Om du vil trekke et kort: 131176



heisann, du får kort fra Angel Therapy Oracle Cards av Doreen Virtue.




Write any worries, concerns or desires on a piece of paper that you put into a special container called a "God Box", as a way of letting go and allowing the Divine to help you.


The angels want to relieve you of the burden of worry by giving you a physical method for releasing your cares to Heaven. Writing down you prayer requests or worries for Divine intervention is an effectve way to work in partnership with God and the angels. You can write something short or lenghty and will receive the same results. What matters most is thatyou write from your heart and then "give" the paper to Heaven symbolically either by burning it (which releases it) putting it in the freezer (which stops the situation from progressing) burying it (which helps with emotional healing) or putting the paper in the God box.


God Boxes are time-honored tools for gaining peace of mind and answers to your prayers! Place your God Box where you can easily see and have access to it.


Ble mye det her, men følte du skulel ha all teksten :)

Ha en strålende dag vennen,

klem fra lilja



♥(¯`°•.¸Skal jeg? Ja¸.•°´¯)♥


hei vennen, du får et kort fra stokken som heter : Magical Messages from the fairies av Doreen Virtue.




To lift up your thoughts and energy and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations.


You drew this card because there is something you desire right now ( you already know what it is). To increase the speed of your manifestion its important to lift up your thoughts, feelings and belifes to a higher level. Positive affirmations can increase your self-confidence and faith, which are two essential and magical ingredients in manifestation. THis card is a message to say or read positive affirmations; and to boost your faith, optimism and effectivness in bringing about your desired results.


As you stay positive, everything in your life becomes more positive :)


ha en strålende dag vennen!


Aaawww baben min <3 ja men eg har så vondt i dag at eg ligge på benken å orka kje eta elle noge .. men fekk i meg litt suppa da :P Men i will miss you my love <3 Glede meg alerede te å se dg igjen :P

Tusen takk :)


En liten tankevekker egentlig... Jeg er nok en smule negativ her jeg sitter, men et hus som blir renovert, og med det det medfører, en rygg som ikke har lyst til å virke... Blæ! Blir vel bedre når ferieuka er over og vi begynner på jobb igjen.



Aurora 34


Hei vakringen! Det er viktig å ikke gi opp håpet, jeg har sett deg gravid og klarer ikke riste av meg den følelsen. Send meg en pm så kan vi snakke mer på privaten om ting og tang. Her kommer et engle kort til deg fra Angel Therapy kort stokken min :


Law of Attraction:


Relationships and activities that you once enjoyed are now changing as you become more sensitive and aware of energies.


THis card signals that you're experiencing shifts because of your spiritual path. The universal Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. So you're attracted to people and situations that have similar intentions to your own. For ex. if your intentions are to be loving and to see the Divine within everyone, you'll attract loving people and situations. You'll also repel people who have unloving focuses. This is why you may find your relationships and tasts changing. You may avoid old friends who no longer fascinate you, or perhaps you now dread going to a job or club that you previously enjoyed. Know that these experiences and feelings are a normal part of the spiritual parth; you're attracting wonderful, new relationships, situations, and jobs that mirror your spiritual focus. GIve any cares, questions, guilt, and so forth to the angels for healing and transmutation.


Action steps:


Quietly call upon Archangels Raguel (the relationship angel) and Chamuel ( the angel who finds what you are looking for) and say :


"Archangel Raguel and Chamuel, thank you for helping me stay true to myself as I experience this important change. I ask for your complete and thoroug assistance in sorting through relationships, my careedr and other life areas where i feel my tasts have changed. Guide me through these changes with grace, compassion and integrity so that everyone invovled is blessed."


Stor varm klem fra Lilja

ta til deg dette kortet ♥(¯`°•.¸Skal jeg? Ja¸.•°´¯)♥ så skal du se at ting går fortere enn du hadde trodd emd hus og alt annet som er litt blæ ;)


sender deg masse gode tanker!



heisann, du får kort fra Daily Guidance Angels :)




Quiet you mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation. A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen.


ha en strålende dag!



Hei du,


du får et kort fra stokken som heter magical messages from the fairies :


Debt paid off;


The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life.


This card signals an impressive shift in your financial situation. You've made the clear decition to be free of old debts, and the Univers has responded in kind. You're presented with the opportunities to reduce you debt, including new avenues of income and inner guidance about reducing nonessential spendings. As you follow these leads your financial situatuion rapidly improves.


Det kom ett kort til til deg..




The fairies join you in celebrating wedded bliss.


You drew this card because youe question involves marriage. This particular card holds variable meanings so pay attention to your bodys reactions as you read the possible interpretations:


Congratulation, you're getting married soon.


Your marriage needs some healing and attention, which the fairies caan help you with if you'll ask.


You'll soon meet someone significant at a wedding.


A relationship commitment is pending.


Admit your true feeling to yourself regarding marriage.


Someone close to you is getting married soon.


Your life purpose involves helping people with romance, matchmaking, relationships or weddings.


Håper dette ga deg noe :)


ha en strålende dag!

#Aurora har tre gutter#


Hei, skal se på tråden din i kveld, orker ikke gjøre en indepth reading nå, holder på med husvasken her hehe


Men du får ett engle kort fra stokken som heter Archangel Michael.


Eternal Love,


My prayer: Help me perceive all of the Love that surrounds me so that I can feel safe receiving, expressing and giving love.


You've drawn this card because someone is sending you love at this moment. The first person you think about is the one who's holding these loving thoughts about you. Perhaps you've been worried about a relationship, and this symbolizes Archangel Michael's reassurance that all is well. The Angels are watching over your loved one, as well as helping you with your relationships.


Know that you are a lovable person even if someone isnt behaving lovingly toward you.


Your loved one in heaven is sending you an "i love you" message.


Ha en strålende dag!

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