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Ny rapport om farene ved vaksinering

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Du vet jo det Ostepop, at Mx3 er utstrakt i bruken av Cherry-Picking når det kommer til kildebruk.



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Fortsetter under...

Beklager misforståelse vedr 20 % andelen. Her er litt oppklaring av data:


Generation Rescue analyzed the data provided by SurveyUSA. The most notable results of our survey are with the boys, which is not surprising considering boys represent approximately 80% of total cases of NDs. ( neurological disorders) Namely:


All vaccinated boys, compared to unvaccinated boys:

- Vaccinated boys were 155% more likely to have a neurological disorder (RR 2.55)

- Vaccinated boys were 224% more likely to have ADHD (RR 3.24)

- Vaccinated boys were 61% more likely to have autism (RR 1.61)


Older vaccinated boys, ages 11-17 (about half the boys surveyed), compared to older unvaccinated boys:

- Vaccinated boys were 158% more likely to have a neurological disorder (RR 2.58)

- Vaccinated boys were 317% more likely to have ADHD (RR 4.17)

- Vaccinated boys were 112% more likely to have autism (RR 2.12)

(Note: older children may be a more reliable indicator because many children are not diagnosed until they are 6-8 years old, and we captured data beginning at age 4.)


All vaccinated boys, removing one county with unusual results (Multnomah, OR), compared to unvaccinated boys:

- Vaccinated boys were 185% more likely to have a neurological disorder (RR 2.85)

- Vaccinated boys were 279% more likely to have ADHD (RR 3.79)

- Vaccinated boys were 146% more likely to have autism (RR 2.46)


All vaccinated boys and girls, compared to unvaccinated boys and girls:

- Vaccinated boys and girls were 120% more likely to have asthma (RR 2.20)

- No correlation established for juvenile diabetes


All vaccinated girls, compared to unvaccinated girls:

- No meaningful differences in prevalence were noted for NDs (which may be due to the smaller sample size of the study because girls represent about 20% of cases.)



Generation Rescue is not representing that our study proves that the U.S. vaccine schedule has caused an epidemic in neurological disorders amongst our children. We are a small non-profit organization. For less than $200,000, we were able to complete a study that the CDC, with an $8 billion a year budget, has been unable or unwilling to do. We think the results of our survey lend credibility to the urgent need to do a larger scale study to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children for neurodevelopmental outcomes.


It is also the opinion of Generation Rescue that we are over-vaccinating our children, and we encourage parents to use caution in how they choose to vaccinate their children, particularly boys. In the vaccine section of our website, we provide additional detail on vaccines and vaccinating safely and provide three alternative vaccine schedules parents may want to consider for their children....."



Mer her::


Jeg vet, men jeg kommer til å fortsette å spørre. Det er hun som har referert til denne studien, da må hun nesten svare seg. Så, mamma-x-3, hvorfor vil du ikke ta inn over deg at helt uvaksinerte jenter hadde tre ganger så stor sjanse for å få autisme, som de vaksinerte? I en studie du selv refererer til?

Det du refererer til stemmer ikke, mamma-x-3. Sjekk tallene selv. Side 2, som sagt.


Hvordan kan du fortsette å påstå at jenter er 20% av deltagerne, når du kan lese det selv, svart på hvitt, her, at det ikke er tilfelle?



Du kan jo også sjekke tallene for hvor mange jenter som er representert med diagnoser i studien, om du skulle være i tvil: 1285 fullvaksinerte jenter har en diagnose, vs 2251 fullvaksinerte gutter. Synes du, mamma-x-3, at 1285 er 20% av 2251?

"Dr." Tenpenny er bare nok en ukvalifisert pisspreiker som prøver å selge deg kosttilkudd.


"There’s no getting away from this. This is a disaster for Generation Rescue and the whole ‘vaccines cause autism’ debacle. Generation Rescue’s data indicates that you are ‘safer’ from autism if you fully vaccinate than partially vaccinate. It also indicates that across the spectrum of autism, you are only 1% more likely to be autistic if you have had any sort of vaccination as oppose to no vaccinations at all – and thats only if you are male. If you are a girl you chances of being on the spectrum are less if you have been vaccinated! Across both boys and girls, your chances of being on the spectrum are less if you have received all vaccinations."



Hehe, denne studien blir bare bedre og bedre jo mer jeg ser på den. Sjekk tallene for diabetes! Dobbelt så stor sjanse for at gutter har diabetes dersom de er helt uvaksinerte, enn for både helt og delvis vaksinerte.


Hva mener du, mamma-x-3? Er det et interessant funn?

Her er et intervju med en av spesialistene som stiller seg bak rapporten vedlagt innledningsvis på siden her. Her får vi belyst hvorfor hun er kritisk. Presenterer hennes bakgrunn og erfaring. Vi får også en lite innblikk i såkalt forskning på vaksiner. Vel verdt minuttene det tar.


Er dette en person som har fått sin Doktortittel via brevkurs?? (som ble hevdet med en svært nedlatende tone av innbitt proforkjemper som har gått tom for motargumenter) ...




"Video Information:


In this interview, you'll hear Dr Humphries talk about vaccines, including:


* Why she became concerned about vaccines after noticing kidney failure in patients who recently received vaccines.


* Why vaccines are often contaminated with unknown viral strains, and why the vaccine industry has covered up known vaccine contamination (and knowingly sold contaminated vaccines to be used on the public).


* Why the entire vaccine industry needs to be questioned, and why a new effort is needed to scientifically assess whether vaccines are really safe or effective.


* Why the fairy tale that "vaccines eradicated polio" is a false mythology -- here's what really happened.


* Why the "smallpox" vaccine has never been proven to be effective against smallpox at all.


* Why vaccine industry research is extremely flimsy and ignores rigorous standards of scientific evidence. (Using improper placebos designed to minimize the appearance of side effects, for example.)


* Why the vaccine industry won't test vaccines versus unvaccinated children (they're terrified of the results).


* Why children caught up in outbreaks of measles are often the very same children who were vaccinated against measles!


* Why vaccines may actually suppress the immune system and cause increased vulnerability to future infections.


* Why many childhood infections such as chicken pox are perfectly natural, normal and even HEALTHY.


* Why the outlandish and unscientific behavior of the vaccine industry is causing an erosion of credibility across all "science."


* Why many of the people engaged in pushing vaccines have financial ties to vaccine companies.


* Why the vaccine industry is utterly unwilling to tolerate anyone asking intelligent questions about the safety of vaccines.


Dr Humphries is one of the signers of the groundbreaking new document just released by the International Medical Council on Vaccination, called

VACCINES: Get the Full Story:





1. Hallo, mamma-x-3, noen hjemme?

På hvilken måte er ditt siste innlegg et svar i tråden? Kan du kanskje skrive noe selv i steden for å klippe-og-lime-spamme dette forumet fullt av ensidig alternativpreik fra ditto sider?


2. Sitat ostepop: "Synes du, mamma-x-3, at 1285 er 20% av 2251?"


3. Redegjør for hvordan Humphries er en spesialist når det ikke finnes noe forskning vedr. vaksiner publisert med noen som heter Humphries S på PubMed.

Hvem er Dr. Suzanne Humphries, MD?

(hennes egne ord)


".....I am a Medical Doctor with credentials in internal medicine and nephrology (kidneys). I received a bachelor’s degree in theoretical physics in 1987 from Rutgers University. I mention the college degree in case any doubtful readers question my mental prowess. One can doubt my intellectual ability less if they first realize that I know how to figure out difficult things. I know how to look at something in depth for many hours or days until I understand the inner workings of it. This is what I learned to do in college. In fact the strenuous mind-bending exercise that was part of the physics curriculum made medical school easy. I found the study of the human body, chemistry and biology to be in comparison quite shallow, simple and easy to comprehend.


I also spent two years working in a biochemistry lab as the head technician. There I learned many things that at the time I didn’t think would ever serve any purpose in my life. But in fact, as our destinies are often predetermined, the lab experience did indeed come around to serve me. In the recent days of vaccine debates, need for scientific proof, evidence of harm, I have found that knowledge of the technical aspects of animal studies and cell cultures are very good things to understand.


I have spent four years teaching internal medicine and nephrology to medical students, residents and advanced fellows in training at a university hospital as an assistant professor. During that time, reading over and critiquing dozens of journal articles was a part of everyday life. Suffice it to say, my past experiences have put me in good standing to look into the problems with vaccines and make certain determinations. Like most doctors, I held a blind belief for many years, that vaccines were necessary, safe and effective. Like most doctors, I never lifted a page to seek out any other truth for myself. But unlike most doctors, I have no stake in upholding false paradigms and I am no longer indebted to the government for hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Unlike most doctors, I have the means to survive with or without my medical license because I have sought out another education to support myself in case of worst case scenario. I do not feel fearful to speak the plain truth as it sits on the pages in front of me. Thousands of pages and hundreds of hours have led me to see the horrifying truth of what is being done to people and animals all over the world under the false pretense of “health”.


I am of sound mind, on no pharmaceutical drugs, carry no medical diagnosis and am unusually fit for my 47 years. I am happy, and have no grudge against any particular party. Up until 2 years ago I was content to work as a medical doctor caring for very sick people with kidney failure.


Two years ago, everything changed. With several undeniable cases of kidney-associated vaccine injury in previously healthy people, I started to look deeper into the information that I had previously held as factual and not worthy of debate. I started to study vaccines, their components, and the science behind the statements of safety and effectiveness. From there an avalanche of truth collapsed upon me and I will never be the same. In fact, nothing I look at will ever be the same. Chronic degenerative diseases, kidney failure, autoimmune diseases and powers of authority will never look the same to me again. There are certain things that I can now say with no uncertainty.


Vaccines did not save humanity and never will.


Vaccines have never been proven truly safe except for perhaps the parameters of immediate death or some specific adverse events within up to 4 weeks.


Smallpox was not eradicated by vaccines as many doctors readily say it was. They say this out of conditioning rather than out of understanding the history or science.


Polio virus was not responsible for the paralysis in the first part of the 20th century. Polio vaccine research, development, testing and distribution has committed atrocities upon primates and humanity. Bill Gates is not a humanitarian.


Vaccines are dangerous and should never be injected into anyone for any reason. They are not the answer to infectious diseases. There are many more sustainable and benevolent solutions than vaccines.


Medical authorities should not have the final word on how doctors treat individual patients in the privacy of their own offices and should not be able to dictate injections into our private hospital patients.


The list goes on, but with this introduction I challenge health care practitioners to look into the topic of vaccines with an open mind, on their own. I implore them to read books and alternative literature sources. I ask that they understand that the peer review process has censored intelligent doubt on vaccine safety and driven it into the alternative press. I beg that all health care practitioners place their egos beside them and be ready for what will happen when the truth is visible. You may not want to go back to work. You may not be able to follow the recommendations that are being ever more heavy handedly given to you. I ask this for the good of humanity.


With each passing moment more and more money and power is being handed to the powers that be and the end result is a barrage of vaccines starting at the first hours of every life that is born in a conventional manner. The injections pile up and the new illnesses appear shortly thereafter more and more every year. The degree of illness in such an advanced society should not be accepted as normal or just environmental. Please, parents and health care practitioners do your homework. The minds and bodies of future generations depend upon it...."






"Vaksiner er farlig, jeg bare VET det." - Wow, man kan tydeligvis studere selv med en diger porsjon virkelighetsfornektelse og konspirasjonsteori.


Min oppfordring står ved lag:

Kan du kanskje skrive noe selv i steden for å klippe-og-lime-spamme dette forumet fullt av ensidig alternativpreik fra ditto sider?


Dette har du fortsatt ikke svart på:

2. Sitat ostepop: "Synes du, mamma-x-3, at 1285 er 20% av 2251?"


3. Redegjør for hvordan Humphries er en spesialist når det ikke finnes noe forskning vedr. vaksiner publisert med noen som heter Humphries S på PubMed. Jeg utfordrer deg til å finne en renommert immunolog/virolog til å innta et slikt kategorisk standpunkt.


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