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Vaksiner gir diabetes?

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Abstract: There is an epidemic in children of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome including individual diseases that

form the components of metabolic syndrome. The epidemic resembles the epidemic of type 1 diabetes in children which

has been linked to immunization. The epidemic of obesity in US children has a statistically significant positive correlation

with the number of vaccine doses recommended. There is a similar trend with both hypertension and metabolic syndrome.

The incidence of type 2 diabetes in Japanese children decreased significantly following the discontinuation of the BCG

vaccine, a vaccine which is associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes. This paper describes two aberrant responses to immunization. At one extreme immunization leads to progressive autoimmune diseases including type 1 diabetes. A second response to immunization, and an opposite extreme to autoimmunity, is for the body to suppress the immune system through increased cortisol activity and other counter measures leading to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Some vaccine recipients may have a mixed response, falling between the extremes, such as an incomplete autoimmune disorder or an intermittent autoimmune disorder. The propensity to develop a particular response relates to race.

Japanese children produce large amounts of cortisol following immunization and have lower risk of type 1 diabetes but

higher risk of type 2 diabetes than White children. Analysis using Austin Bradford-Hill criteria for causation support a

causal relation between immunization and metabolic syndrome. Additional studies are needed to further characterize this




Abstract: Cohort data from Denmark in all children born from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 2000 was analyzed to

assess the association between immunization and type 1 diabetes in all Danish children and in a subgroup where children

had a sibling with type 1 diabetes. Pediatric vaccines were associated with a statistically significant increased risk of type

1 diabetes in 12 of 21 endpoints in the general population. The rate ratios in children who received at least one dose of a

specific vaccine were also elevated in the subgroup and were statistically the same as in the general population. Three

doses of the hemophilus vaccine were associated with a rate ratio of 1.23 (1.02<

general population of three cases/100,000 per year compared to 1.58 (0.60<

cases/100,000 per year in the subgroup with a sibling with type 1 diabetes. The hemophilus immunization is associated

with a cumulative attributable risk of 2.3/100 (2.3%) in the subgroup.





Dette er en gammel mye som har blitt avkreftet av store epidemiologiske studier.




"RESULTS: No statistically significant difference was found at any time during the 10 year follow up in the risk of type 1 diabetes between the children born before the vaccination period and those vaccinated at the age of 24 months only (relative risk 1.01). The difference in the risk between the cohort vaccinated first at the age of 3 months and the cohort vaccinated at the age of 24 months only was not statistically significant either (1.06).


CONCLUSION: It is unlikely that H influenzae type b vaccination or its timing cause type 1 diabetes in children."




"Immunologists, diabetologists, epidemiologists, policymakers, and observers debated the available evidence for two days and concluded that it does not support a causal link between vaccination and the onset of type 1 diabetes. Some short and longer term observational studies to test the hypothesis are currently underway. However, the results of a large randomised controlled trial of vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b carried out in Finland in 1985-76 were reanalysed by Tuomilehto et al and showed no association between the incidence of diabetes mellitus and the addition of another antigen to the schedule, irrespective of timing (unpublished data). Data reanalysis was made possible by prospective linking of individual information on exposure (in this case infant vaccination or placebo administration) with the Finnish diabetes register"




On the basis of a postulated infectious mechanism for the development of type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus, several studies have investigated the possibility of an association with vaccination. To date support has not been obtained for associations between type 1 diabetes mellitus and BCG, MMR, pertussis or Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines.

De fleste studiene som linker diabetes og vaksiner kommer fra John Barthelow Classen.




Dr. Classen received an MD degree from the Univ. of Maryland in 1988, but did not qualify for a medical license until October 3, 1997. (1)

[He didn't appear to be motivated to get a medical license until his no-license status was exposed on an internet discussion group on 10/17/1996.] (2)


Dr. Classen has apparently never practiced medicine. He was apparently employed at the National Institutes for Health from 1988 - 1991 before leaving to form his own private firm - 'Classen Immunotherapies.' Other than the short stint at NIH Dr. Classen provides no other qualifications or experience in health research.


Since 1991 Classen Immuntherapies have yet to market a 'therapy' for anything.




Her er en oversikt over alle studiene som motbeviser Classens teorier:




Immunisation and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Is There a Link?

". . . there is no clear evidence that any currently used vaccine can prevent or induce diabetes in humans. "



Pertussis Vaccines and Atopic Disease

"We found no support for a drastic increase in allergic manifestations after pertussis vaccination."

A randomized controlled trial of the effect of pertussis vaccines on atopic disease.

Nilsson L, Kjellman NI, Bjorksten B Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998 Aug;152(8):734-8


Lack of association between early childhood immunizations and beta-cell autoimmunity.

Diabetes Care 1999 Oct 22:10 1694-7 Graves PM, Barriga KJ, et al

* Timing of immunization has no effect on development of diabetes


Childhood immunizations and type 1 diabetes: summary of an Institute for Vaccine Safety Workshop.


Association between type 1 diabetes and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination: birth cohort study. BMJ (fulltext) * * MAJOR STUDY * *

see also: Editorial Comment


Cumulative incidence of childhood-onset IDDM is unaffected by

pertussis immunization.

Diabetes Care 1997 Feb;20(2):173-5; Heijbel H, Chen RT, Dahlquist G


Booster pertussis vaccination does not increase allergy risk

Booster immunization of children with an acellular pertussis vaccine enhances Th2 cytokine

production and serum IgE responses against pertussis toxin but not against common allergens.

Ryan EJ, et al Clin Exp Immunol 2000 Aug 121:2 193-200


DTP vaccine has an anti-diabetic effect in NOD mice

Antigen based therapies to prevent diabetes in NOD mice.

Ramiya VK, et al J Autoimmun 1996 Jun;9(3):349-56


No evidence of asthma exacerbation related to influenza vaccination

Arch Fam Med 2000 Jul;9(7):617-23 Kramarz, et al


Freund's complete adjuvant (CFA) and BCG vaccine significantly reduced

the proportion of NOD mice developing diabetes


The Swedish childhood diabetes study

The Swedish childhood diabetes study. Vaccinations and infections

as risk determinants for diabetes in childhood.

Diabetologia 1991 Mar;34(3):176-81 Blom L, Nystrom L, Dahlquist G

Når det fremkommer materiale som indikerer hvor skadelige vaksiner er, vil det selvsagt være strategisk viktig, både politisk og profittmessig, å produsere studier som "ikke finner beviser for vaksineskader".


Dette kan være en god trøst for de som har latt seg og/eller sine vaksinere men det vil være til liten hjelp for våre neste og vaksineofre.

Det er vaksinepusherne sitt ansvar å dokumentere behov, effekt og sikkerhet mtp vaksiner.


At vaksinepushere først anbefaler vaksiner for så å benekte sammenheng mellom død/sykdom og vaksine er ikke det samme som at vaksinene ikke er farlige.

Neida. Og det at man først anbefaler vaksiner og deretter benekter sammenheng mellom død/sykdom betyr ikke dermed at det FINNES en sammenheng mellom vaksiner og død/sykdom.


Eller jo, det gjør det jo. Vaksiner beskytter mot død/sykdom.


Dety blir jo forresten helt latterlig å sammenligne de to tingene. Om en fallskjerm virker eller ikke kan man jo se med egen øyner, og bevisene kan tas og føles på. Man trenger ikke forske på dem, etter at det er forsket frem hvordan de være. Det kan altså ikke bevisene for at vaksiner fungerer!!

Nei, det beviser ikke at vaksiner fungerer, og er ikke ment som bevis for vaksinenes effekt. Jeg trenger ikke anføre dette som bevis for vaksinenes effekt, da bevislasset er OVERVELDENDE.

Det dette viser er at ting kan fungere selv uten randomiserte, kontrollerte studier, og det eventuelle fraværet av disse tillater på ingen måte konklusjonen om at tingen ikke fungerer, uansett om fallskjerm eller vaksine.


Men du nevner noe viktig i sammenhengen, og det tror jeg er meget sentralt i vaksinemotstandernes teorier: Vaksinenes effekt har ført til at vi ikke lider av sykdommene lenger, og derfor fremstår disse sykdommene som noe abstrakt og ikke bekymringsverdig. Det gjør også vaksinene til noe fjernt og abstrakt, ja til og med skummelt, selv om deres effekt og bivirkninger er godt kjent og kartlagt.

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